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Perkins V allows for federal career and technical education (CTE) funds to provide career exploration and development activities in grades 5-8, while s​tate CTE funds can support these activities in grades K-8. This page provides ideas and resources for elementary and middle school career exploration and development to inform students about future CTE and career opportunities. Check back often for additional resources added during implementation of the Illinois State Plan for Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century ActPDF Document (Perkins V​)​ July 1, 2020-June 30, 2024.​​

News and Updates

CTE Career Exploration ToolkitPDF Document
The activities in the CTE Career Exploration Toolkit (put link here) will allow students begin to identify areas of career interest and create a CTE Action Plan which links their interests to CTE, Academic, and Elective coursework that aid in meeting their career goals. ​

Elementary STEM Resources Recorded Webinar​

The Elementary STEM Journal, Volume 24, Issue 4 - May 2020

In ongoing efforts to assist technology and engineering educator impacted by the COVID-19 situation, ITEEA is providing the May issue of The Elementary STEM Journal to all at no cost. For more information, visit ITEEA The Elementary STEM Journal.

Broadening the Path: Design Pri​nciples for Middle Grades CTE

The middle grades have become the agreed upon starting point for high-quality Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, as this represents a critical time for students making important decisions that may have a lasting impact on their careers. However, there lacks a common view among state and local leaders on what makes up a high-quality middle grades CTE program or policy. With the promotion of middle grades CTE in the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V), it is an ideal time for state and local leaders to consider how to best support and expand CTE in middle school.

CTE in Middle Grades
Perkins V requires that states provide career exploration and career development activities through an organized, systematic framework designed to aid students, including in the middle grades, before enrolling and while participating in a career and technical education program. Learn how two states have invested in building out their middle school programs. As you listen, think about how this work and the information they provide might look in the context of your state and your Perkins V state plan.​​​​​​​

 Additional Resources

CTE Curriculum

These are curriculum resources for K-8 Career Exploration and Development which were created to provide additional support for the CTE Teacher. You will find these resources broken out in modules and each module will have E-Units, Lesson Plans and Presentations. As a teacher you can customize these to fit your needs.​


* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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