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​Competency-based learning programs assess and advance students based on their demonstrated mastery of skills and knowledge.  More specifically, competency-based learning programs:

  • Allow for earning of credit toward graduation requirements in ways other than traditional coursework,
  • Incorporate real-world knowledge and challenges, and
  • Promote attainment of career-related competencies beyond those needed for high school graduation.

A competency-based education (CBE) model provides students with a customized and personalized course of study while emphasizing application of learned skills for college and career goals. This approach can make skill mastery more relevant to both students and future employers.​

Learning Communities

 Office Hours

Office Hours have concluded at this time.  Please contact​ for questions.​

 CBE in Illinois

The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act (PWR Act) was signed into law in July 2016. Section 20 of the PWR Act created the Competency-Based High School Graduation Requirements Pilot Program. Illinois currently has 45 participating districts!

Enrollment in the CBE Pilot Program is not required for a district or school to implement competency-based educational programming. “Local control" enables local boards of education to implement competency-based programs if it is determined to be in the best interest of the learners and communities they serve. A district that decides to implement this approach may find it necessary to apply for ISBE Policy Waivers; more information can be found on the ISBE Waivers webpage.​


Tools You can Use


Implementing CBE Programming

Assessing Student Performance in CBE


Additional Resources

 Request for Application

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