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The Report Card Metric Library page is the repository for all metrics that are reported in the Report Card. Metrics’ definitions, formulas, business rules, citations, and related guidance (if exist) are included in the documents. These documents are intended to help districts, schools, policy makers, and the public understand more clearly how reporting metrics at ISBE are calculated.

 2024 Metrics and Business Rules

 2023 Metrics and Business Rules

 2021 Metrics and Business Rules

Metrics Not Reported on the 2021 Illinois Report Card

Due to the suspension of in-person instruction during the 2020-21 school year, the data for the below metrics are unavailable for use in the SY 2021 Illinois Report Card.  However, the link below will provide you with more information regarding this data.
The data for the below metrics are unavailable on the SY 2021 Illinois Report Card for one of the following reasons:
  1. Substantial changes to how the metric is measured (i.e., methodology),
  2. Substantial changes to what the metric measures (i.e., the construct),
  3. Circumstances that render the data set substantially incomplete, or
  4. Circumstances that cause the data and its use to fall below acceptable thresholds for reliability and validity.
However, the links below will provide you with more information regarding this data.

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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