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Visit the following for information regarding different Special Education options:

 Learning Behavior Specialist I

​The LBS I endorsement requires:

  • A passing score on the LBS I (155 or 290) test
  • Completion of coursework addressing each of the following areas:
    • Survey of the exceptional child
    • General characteristics of children with disabilities within the LBS I scope
    • General methods for teaching children with disabilities within the LBS I scope
    • Psychological assessment of children with disabilities within the LBS I scope

Some Illinois colleges/universities only require one course for each of the above areas; others require the completion of multiple courses for each area. Be sure to check with the institution where you plan to complete your coursework so you fully understand what courses are needed for the endorsement. ​

 Learning Behavior Specialist II (K-22/Approved Program)

LBS II endorsements are optional, advanced credentials that are issued through entitlement by an Illinois higher education institution and are only available to educators who already hold the ​K-22 endorsements for Learning Behavior Specialist I, Teacher of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, or ​Teacher of Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired. To qualify for one of these additional endorsements, you must meet specific standards outlined in Illinois statute and work with an IL university offering the specific program.

The following LBS II endorsements are available:

  • Curriculum Adaptation Specialist
  • Multiple Disabilities Specialist
  • Behavior Intervention Specialist
  • Deaf-Blind Specialist
  • Bilingual Special Education Specialist
  • Technology Specialist
  • Transition Specialist​

 Notice to Holders of Special Education Endorsements

Holders of the LBS I credential may be assigned to serve students with the following disabilities: learning disabilities, social/emotional disorders, intellectual disabilities, physical/orthopedic disabilities​, autism, or traumatic brain injury.

Holders of the LBS I/Limited credential may be assigned to teach only students for whom he or she holds a pre-existing credential (endorsement or approval), except that students with one additional disability may be taught at the same time. The li​mitations on the Standard LBS I/Limited credential remain in place for three years for persons who are teaching on that credential and then automatically expire. For individuals who are not teaching on their special education credentials, the limitations will automatically expire after seven years. The limitation on the Initial certificate will remain through the four year validity period. However, teachers may choose to remove the limitations earlier.​​​​

 Removal of Limitations on LBS I / Limited

If you have received an LBS I/Limited certificate or approval, you may use the forms below to request ISBE to review your file for additional documents that may have been missed during the conversion or to review new information that you are provided to remove limitations. This request should be filed through your regional office of education. Teachers may remove the limitations on their LBS I/Limited endorsements before they automatically expire through any one of the following methods:

  • Completing the training sequence developed by ISBE;
  • Completing college coursework necessary to qualify for an endorsement or approval in one of the areas from the other side of the LBS I equation (covering the "missing" characteristics and methods);
  • Passing the test of subject matter knowledge for one of the areas from the other side of the LBS I equation (relevant to a "missing" disability);
  • Presenting qualifications for additional endorsements or approvals that satisfy the LBS I equation;
  • Passing the LBS I examination available beginning January 1, 2003;
  • Submitting verification of three years' full-time teaching experience in an area for which the teacher does not hold an endorsement or approval (ISBE Form 73-83PDF Document); or
  • Submitting verification of three years' full-time experience teaching students with autism or traumatic brain injury (ISBE Form 73-83PDF Document).

Teachers who wish to remove the limitations before they expire must submit the required evidence of meeting the above qualifications along with ISBE Form 73-85PDF Document. ISBE forms are available online at the Educator Licensure Homepage.

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