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Illinois offers two different Educator Licenses with Stipulations (ELS) endorsed in Career and Technical Education (CTE). Career and Technical Education programs provide instruction for occupations in Agricultural Education; Business, Marketing and Computer Education; Fami​ly and Consumer Sciences; Health Science Technology; and Technology and Engineering Education (Industrial).

Use Your Industry Work Experience to Obtain a CTE Teaching Endorsement!

 Career and Technical Educator License


  • Minimum of 60 semester hours*
  • Documented a minimum of 2,000 hours of experience in the area to be taught.  Work experience in an educational setting may be used if the applicant was delivering the instruction and was not the recipient of the instruction.
  • Must apply online and submit ISBE form 73-23PDF Document
  • Submit Work Experience
    • 73-23APDF Document(To be Completed Only By the Employer)
    • 73-23BPDF Document​(Employment Information by Applicant. Employer/Supervisor No Longer Available)

Years Valid



  • Can only teach in the specified area of endorsement
  • Valid for grades 5-12


Yes, renewable every 5 years with 120 hours of professional development. Review this document for tips on renewing your ELS-CTE licensePDF Document.​​

 Provisional Career and Technical Educator License


  • ​Documented a minimum of 8,000 hours of experience in the area to be taught.  Work experience in an educational setting may be used if the applicant was delivering the instruction and was not the recipient of the instruction​
  • Must apply online and submit ISBE form 73-23PDF Document
  • Submit Work Experience
    • 73-23APDF Document(To be Completed Only By the Employer)
    • 73-23​BPDF Document(Employment Information by Applicant. Employer/Supervisor No Longer Available)​

Years Valid​



At the time of application, must obtain a letter from the school district confirming that no teacher holding a PEL or ELS endorsed in career and technical education is available and that circumstances warrant the issuance of this license.

Valid for grades 5-12 only.​


Yes, renewable every 5 years. Review this document for tips on renewing your ELS-CTEP licensePDF Document.​​

 Subsequent Career and Technical Educator Endorsement


A subsequent endorsement may be added to any career and technical educator license by meeting the requirements outlined below.​

  • Documented a minimum of 1,000 hours of experience in the area to be taught.  Work experience in an educational setting may be used if the applicant was delivering the instruction and was not the recipient of the instruction.
  • Must apply online
  • Submit Work Experience
    • 73-23APDF Document(To be Completed Only By the Employer)
    • 73-23​BPDF Document(Employment Information by Applicant. Employer/Supervisor No Longer Available)​​

*Hours may be obtained from a regionally accredited institution or an accredited trade and technical institution. For endorsements requiring a specific number of semester hours, coursework must be at the 100-level of higher. Remedial coursework will not be accepted.

The information is accurate at this time (note date below). Applicants will be held to the most current statutory and administrative rule requirements.​

The Illinois State Board of Education's CTE and Innovation Department has prepared a guidance document, presentation, and recorded webinar for the field on the CTE licensure process, all new CTE endorsements, and the relevant assignability.

Please forward all questions related to this document to​.​​​​​

Endorsement Areas & Related Career Clusters

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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