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The Directory of Educational Entities is a master directory of all public and non-public entities that provide direct services to K-12 students in Illinois. It includes entity name, administrator, address, contact information, grades served, legislative districts, NCES ID, and other information listed by Public, Special Education, Regional, CTE Area Career Centers, Non-Public, and Private Special Education Entities. All entities assigned a unique RCDTS code based on their Region, County, District, and Type. Other directories maintained by ISBE and historical directories may be found at the bottom.

Directory of Educational Entities

Directory of Educational Entities - CurrentExcel Document (Updated nightly)

  • Important Notes:
    • Educational Entities are separated by type and listed in sheets accessible be selecting the tabs at the bottom.
    • Refer to the Category tab (sheet) to determine which entities are of in each sheet.
    • Refer to the RCDTS and Entity Coding Information section below for information on Region, County, District, Type, School, and RCDTS codes.
    • For archived directories from previous years, please see Historical Files below.
  • Tab (Sheet) Entity Contents:
    • 1 Public Sch and Dist: Public Schools, Public Districts, Charter Schools, Charter Districts, STEM Schools, Laboratory Schools, Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Schools, Blind and Visually-Impaired Schools, Department of Correction Schools, Other Illinois Department Entities.
    • 2 Spec Ed Dist & Sch: Public Special Education Schools, Special Education Districts, Special Education Cooperatives
    • 3 ROE, ISC, Reg Prg: Regional Offices of Education (ROE), Intermediate Service Centers (ISC), Regional Programs
    • 4 CTE Area Career Ctr & EFE: Career and Technical Education (CTE) Area Career Centers, Education for Employment (EFE) Entities
    • 5 Non Pub Sch: Non-Public Schools
    • 6 Non Pub Spec Ed: Non-Public Special Education Operating Agencies, Non-Public Special Education Programs​​

Archived Directories and Historic Files

Archived Directory of Education Entities

Historic Files

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

Contact Information