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​An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a plan that describes the special education instruction, supports, and services that students with disabilities are legally entitled to receive.  An IEP is developed by school staff members, the student's parents/guardians and the student (when appropriate). The required contents of an IEP are determined by the student's needs and age as well as federal and state laws. 

Informational forms and documents are available on this page for the following topics: 

  • The IEP forms required to complete an IEP, including transition, behavioral, and eligibility forms.
  • Required Notice and Consent Forms including guiding documents to complete each form. 
  • Information on assessment for students with disabilities, including instructions and guidelines.

 Required Notice and Consent Forms

 Summary of Performance Forms

A Summary of Performance form PDF Document (Updated 11/29/2021) needs to be completed prior to the student exiting high school when graduating or aging out.


* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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