Administrative Webinars
Determining Eligibility
This webinar is specifically for sponsors operating the following programs: Child Care Centers, Pre-K Programs, Licensed Outside School Hours Programs. The purpose of this training is sponsors must have practices in place to ensure eligible children are approved and claimed correctly. The foundation to claiming children correctly for meal reimbursement is tied directly to how children are eligible in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Enrollment Form Requirements

This webinar is specifically for sponsors operating the following programs: Child Care Centers, Head Start and Even Start Programs, Pre-K Programs, and Licensed Outside School Hours Programs. This training is designed to help you learn the requirements for the Annual Enrollment Form. In addition, step-by-step instructions are provided on how this form must be completed by the parents or guardians and you as the sponsor.
How to Do Electronic Direct Certification in WINS

This webinar is specifically for sponsors operating the following programs: Child Care Centers, Pre-K Programs, Licensed Outside School Hours Programs. The purpose of this training is to explain how look up children in WINS who are receiving SNAP, TANF, income eligible Medicaid or a Foster child in order to certify free meal benefits. Any child able to be directly certified is claimed at the free reimbursement rate, without a Household Eligibility Application on file.
Master List

This webinar is specifically for sponsors operating the following programs: Child Care Centers, Pre-K Programs, Licensed Outside School Hours Programs, Head Start and Even Start Programs, and Emergency Shelters. A master list should be kept by a manual or electronic format for each facility to help organize all children enrolled in your program. We have various types of master list templates you can use that are found on our website and we discuss each of these.
Financial Management Webinars
Financial Management Overview for CACFP
Sponsors participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) are required to demonstrate financial viability, be capable to maintain a non-profit food service account, and to be accountable by managing funds according to federal and state requirements by assuring costs are used to meet the CACFP requirements set forth by USDA.
Allowable and Non-Allowable Costs in CACFP
Sponsors participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program are required to demonstrate financial viability and to be accountable by managing funds according to federal and state requirements. It is very important to know what costs are allowed and not allowed in financially managing your food program.
Cash Disbursement Journal, Food Donation Log, and the Monthly Milk Purchase Estimate Form

Sponsors are required to document all costs and any foods donated for the use in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. In addition, sponsors must ensure that enough milk is served based on the various age groups in your facility. This webinar will provide you resources such as the Cash Disbursement Journal, Food Donation log and Monthly Milk Purchase Estimate Form to help ensure compliance in these areas relating to the some of the Financial Management Requirements set by USDA.
Personnel Activity Reports

Sponsors must maintain a system that documents all costs which may include operational and administrative labor used for the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Federal regulations require Personnel Activity Reports or equivalent documentation to support the costs of salaries and wages charged for employees working and helping with the food program. This webinar will cover the requirements needed to document labor costs.
Monthly Profit and Loss Summary and Annual Financial Report

Sponsors must operate a nonprofit food service. Operating a nonprofit food service requires that sponsors manage their revenue and costs monthly and annually to ensure compliance. ISBE has developed the Monthly Profit/Loss Summary and the Annual Financial Data Collection Spreadsheet to help you monitor this.
Menu and Meal Pattern Webinars
CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements for Children Ages 1-18

To receive reimbursement for meals and snacks, sponsors must provide the required food components and servings for each age group. The purpose of this training is to explain the meal pattern requirements for children ages 1-18 in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements for Infants

To receive reimbursement for meals and snacks, sponsors must provide the required food components and servings for each age group. The purpose of this training is to explain the meal pattern requirements for infants (birth – 11 months) in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
CACFP New Institution trainings provide guidance to new organizations on the Child and Adult Care Food Program application process and required procedures. New institutions are required to view each applicable session prior to having their application for participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program approved. Participating institutions may also benefit from viewing these trainings and use as Refresher training.
Meal Pattern Training Resources
- USDA Team Nutrition
- The Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN)
Training Resources