- Announcement
- For 2015-16, the regular ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
testing window will be from
January 11, 2016, to
March 4, 2016.
- School Year 2015-16 will be the first operational year for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. It will be administered primarily via computer. A paper version of ACCESS will be available for accommodated administrations and/or where local circumstances make online testing impractical at this time. The following portions of ACCESS will continue to be paper-only:
- Kindergarten ACCESS
- Alternate ACCESS
- ACCESS Writing Test in grades 1-3
Important note – The speaking portion of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 requires that a
microphone be provided for each student. The microphone may be either a stand-alone unit or part of a headset.
2016 ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Calendar

- 2016 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Alternate testing window
ISBE is no longer using paper forms for this process. For districts wanting to choose an alternate testing window for ACCESS 2.0, please check the SIS webinar that explains how to request alternate testing dates. No reason for the request needs to be entered, but if the number of waiver requests is very large, districts may be asked to provide additional information regarding their request.
Updated Procedure for ACCESS 2.0 Student Transfer during the Testing

2015-16 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Participation Guidance

- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines and Resources
There are a number of
ACCESS 2.0 accommodations available to English Learners who are IEPs. The following five accommodations need to be arranged prior to testing. Those accommodations for paper should be ordered in WIDA-AMS during the test materials ordering window. The online accommodations can be turned on in WIDA-AMS any time prior to the test administration after ISBE has uploaded the Pre-ID file to DRC. Note that test tickets for the online format should be created after selecting these accommodations in WIDA-AMS.
Paper Format |
Online Format |
- Extended Time for Speaking Response (ES)
- Manual Control of Audio (MC)
- Repeat Item Audio (RA)
Other support options are available for ACCESS 2.0. Some require an IEP, others do not. The following links have more information.
- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Fall Webinars
Beginning Sept. 23, 2015, WIDA will be conducting a
series of webinars to help prepare school districts for this year’s ACCESS administration.
Click here for announcements and resources about the transition to ACCESS for ELLs 2.0.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Updates - 2015 Bilingual Program Directors’ Meeting Presentation

- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Site File setup via SIS - due Sept. 30, 2015
Data Recognition Corp. (DRC), the new material vendor for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, requested that schools and districts in Illinois that will be participating in the ACCESS 2.0 and ordering materials provide a Site File by Sept. 30, 2015.
- The Site File identifies contact information for key staff who will facilitate the assessment.
- ISBE will use the Student Information System (SIS) to collect this information and will transfer the Site File to DRC on Oct. 1, 2015.
- DRC will create district accounts in its online administration management system called WIDA-AMS.
- District coordinator(s) reported in the SIS Site File will be notified by email once those accounts are ready to use.
- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Material Ordering Window is Open Until Nov. 13, 2015
For 2015-16, the ACCESS for ELLs test is available in either electronic or paper format. The window for ordering paper materials is now open. The last day to place orders is Nov. 13, 2015.
The new ACCESS vendor, DRC, has issued user accounts for its new website,
www.wida-ams.us, where materials are ordered and electronic test sessions are set up. For each district that participated in ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS testing during 2014-15, at least one account was issued. The default user is the district superintendent unless alternate contact information was entered into SIS during September (refer to the announcement for ACCESS 2.0 Site File Set Up via SIS above).
If you need assistance accessing your WIDA-AMS account, you may contact Barry Pedersen at ISBE (866-317-6034,
bpederse@isbe.net) or DRC Customer Support (855-787-9615,
- Additional ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test materials ordering window: January 6 - February 5, 2016
The Additional ACCESS test material ordering is available for IL from January 6 to February 5. District must use their WIDA-AMS account for test materials ordering. Please use the overage materials that have been sent before ordering additional materials. For more in-depth instructions on ordering, please refer to the
WIDA AMS User Guide Part 1,
which is available on the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training Course on the WIDA website (www.wida.us). The Test Administration Manuals also provide an overview of the steps for the ordering and receiving materials process.
Please do not hesitate to contact DRC Customer Service with any questions at
WIDA@datarecognitioncorp.com or 1-855-787-9615.
- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Materials Delivery – Shipment 1
For districts that completed the test materials ordering via WIDA AMS by November 13, 2015, the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test materials will be delivered to districts on or before Tuesday, January 19, 2016. For questions regarding delivery, please call DRC Customer Service at 1-855-787-9615.
- ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Setup Window Opening: 12/17/2015 - 2/26/2016
The WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA-AMS) Test Setup window for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 will take place beginning Monday, December 7, 2015 through the end of the testing window. District test coordinators will have the ability to view students in the system as well as to view and modify test sessions. If districts are testing ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online, they must make sure that students are entered in appropriate test sessions.
For more in-depth instructions on Test Setup, please refer to the
Manage Students and
Test Session Creation modules and/or the
WIDA AMS User Guide Part 2,
which are available on the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training Course on the WIDA website (www.wida.us).
Please do not hesitate to contact DRC Customer Service with any questions at
WIDA@DataRecognitionCorp.com or 1-855-787-9615.
What is WIDA-AMS?

- WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA-AMS) Getting Started
WIDA-AMS is a companion website to
www.wida.us. It is managed by the new ACCESS vendor DRC. You will use it to order paper materials, and manage the online testing process for your district. Once your WIDA-AMS user account has been set up, you will receive an email with a link to WIDA-AMS (www.wida-ams.us) and instructions for signing-in. Someone with a District Coordinator user account in WIDA-AMS can add users and assign permissions to user accounts.
Training and reference materials for using WIDA-AMS are available on the WIDA website (www.wida.us). Log-in and click on “My Account and Secure Portal” at the top right. Select the training course for “Online Grades 1-12” to open the “Online Test Administrator Checklist”. As part of the checklist, you will be able to review the WIDA-AMS User Guide
Part 1
Part 2,
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Test Administration Manual,
and the following WIDA-AMS training modules:
- Clarifications about WIDA Accounts regarding ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
- ACCESS Re-training requirements summary
Assessment |
Re-training Requirements |
Re-training requirements for test administrators who previously certified |
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 paper (Grade 1-12) |
Re-training is not required for listening, reading and writing, but need to complete the training and quiz for Speaking. |
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online (Grade 1-12) |
All administrators are required to complete trainings for four domains. There is no quiz for the online test training.
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs |
Re-training is not required. |
Alternate ACCESS (Grade 1-12) |
Re-training is not required. |
- Anyone training to administer test for the first time must complete all required trainings.
- More information about trainings can be found from “How do I get trained to administer the ACCESS for ELLs, W-APT Screener, and WIDA MODEL?” under ACCESS for ELLs FAQs on this page.
- The District Coordinator/Test Administrator checklists below cover most of the important training materials.
- Online Test Administrator/Coordinator Checklist at
- Paper Test Administrator/Coordinator Checklist at
- W-APT Training for EL Screening – a new WIDA training module
There is a new training module in webinar format at
www.wida.us for those who are interested in being trained to administer the W-APT for EL screening. The training for the annual ACCESS for ELLS assessment formerly was considered to be sufficient for the W-APT as well. That is no longer the case.
- Now that the ACCESS 2.0 listening and speaking domains will be administered from an audio recording, a separate training module created specifically for the W-APT is more appropriate.
- Those who have already passed the ACCESS for ELLs training do not need to retrain to administer the W-APT.
- Anyone training for the first time to administer the W-APT should use the new module, which covers all four domains.
- The new W-APT training module does not conclude with a quiz or award a certificate of completion. Also, completion of the new W-APT module is not tracked or recorded by either ISBE or WIDA.
- Note that completing the new W-APT module does not qualify someone to administer ACCESS 2.0 for the annual state assessment. Training modules for ACCESS 2.0, both on paper and online, will be released soon.
- Training to screen at the kindergarten level remains the same as in the past. If you have questions, contact ISBE at (866) 317-6034.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Overview
Implementation Resources