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What is My Data Dashboard?

ISBE has launched a new tool called My Data Dashboard, accessible via MyIRC, that replaces Ed360. ISBE conducted a survey and focus groups to gather feedback about Ed360. My Data Dashboard provides the same features with faster loading times and a better user experience. Stay tuned for more changes to make your academic, educator, and financial data more useful for continuous improvement.

My Data Dashboard is an optional service provided by ISBE. My Data Dashboard replaces Ed360, which has been available since 2018.

The goal of My Data Dashboard is to provide administrators and teachers -- detailed data related to critical performance metrics to allow for data driven decision making and a deeper understanding of how data can be used within the State, districts, schools and classrooms.​

Upcoming Webinar

My Data Dashboard: Welcoming and Empowering District & School Administrators

Join us for a webinar Welcoming and Empowering District & School Administrators on Feb. 25, 2025,​ at 2:00 PM CST.

My Data Dashboard (MDD) demonstrates ISBE’s commitment to the continuing development of tools that provide local districts with the resources necessary to make effective choices for the benefit of students statewide. This secure tool is available to districts through the secure sign-in available through the MyIRC portal.

The recently added capacity for analysis of summative designations and the student roster Report Card data sets powerfully reflects that commitment. We are excited to continue this commitment to program improvement by extending access beyond district administrators and certain Regional Office of Education (ROE) personnel. In January of 2025, MDD will add roles for school administrators and district financial representatives, as well as broaden access for authorized ROE users. These measures will significantly expand the capacity of the system to support your team efforts at program improvement. Pathways for access to MDD have been simplified in parallel with these developments.

Report Card screens for the Kindergarten Individuals Development Survey (KIDS) also are being released in January 2025. As with other recently released metrics in MDD, KIDS displays will include summaries of student results from the survey from the previous year connected to student rosters, allowing maximum flexibility in supporting data analyses that meet your local needs.

This webinar, which is designed for both district and school administrators, will review the MDD tool overall as well as the new KIDS screens and new access roles available for the system.

 My Data Dashboard Access and User Roles

Access to MyIRC

My Data Dashboard (previously Ed360) is now housed within the MyIRC platform.

There are two ways to access My Data Dashboard. Simply go to this link (and make sure to bookmark it for easy access in the future).​

Or access MyIRC and My Data Dashboard through the Illinois Report Card website.

  • Go to the Illinois Report Card website at
  • In the upper right corner of the screen click “Log In."
  • The next screen gives you 3 options for accessing the system: Sign in with Microsoft, Sign in with Google, or Sign in with your email.
    MyIRC Account Login
  • Then navigate to the My Data Dashboard application.
    MyIRC Menu

Opt-In to My Data Dashboard

If you have already opt-ed in your district and schools, there is no additional steps needed. If you have not opted in, and would like access to My Data Dashboard, please follow the steps below.

  1. Once you have navigated and logged into to MyIRC and selected My Data Dashboard, navigate to the Profile icon in the upper right corner.
    My Data Dashboard Menu
  2. Click the “Settings” button in the Profile icon popup.
    Note: Only District Administrators have access to the “Settings" button under the Profile Icon.
  3. From the settings page, change the dropdown box to “Opted In” to enable My Data Dashboard for your district.
    Opt-in Menu

Note: Regional Office of Education (ROE) Administrator have access to My Data Dashboard without opting in. The region’s District Superintendents have access but need to opt in to provide access to other staff.

Managing My Data Dashboard User Accounts

After enabling the Opt-In, most staff will have access to My Data Dashboard based on the Employment Information System (EIS) position data (see the chart below).However, some staff may not have the level of access they need or they will not have access at all. In many cases, access levels for My Data Dashboard are defaulted based on employee positions reported to EIS. For example, District Superintendent positions in EIS are automatically assigned a default My Data Dashboard role of District Administrator.

Examples of My Data Dashboard Default Role Assignments:

EIS Position Default My Data Dashboard Level
Assistant/Associate District Superintendent District Administrator (districtwide access)
Principal School Administrator (schoolwide access)
Assistant Principal School Administrator (schoolwide access)
Teacher Teacher (teacher classroom access)
Special Education Teacher Teacher (teacher classroom access)
School Counselor General Access (no student data access)

To manage users through MyIRC, please refer to the complete User Guide to MyIRC​PDF Document. For inquiries about My Data Dashboard, please email For inquires about MyIRC, please email or call 815-753-0978.​​​​​​​​​

 My Data Dashboard Data Flow & Security

Throughout the year, Illinois school districts submit data to many ISBE data collections. The collections relevant to My Data Dashboard are EIS, ELIS, SIS, EPS, I-Star, 5 Essentials, AFR, EBF, eGMS, FRIS, and District Budgets. The ISBE data warehouse is updated nightly with any new data submissions. The My Data Dashboard is built from the information available in the ISBE data warehouse. Role based secure access to My Data Dashboard protects privacy while ensuring access to operational data for administrators and educators. 

Other opt-in services like NWEA Map and Renaissance Star require district permission before they can be viewed on the My Data Dashboard. 

Important things to know about My Data Dashboard security:

  • My Data Dashboard data is encrypted "at-rest" (while sitting in the ISBE data warehouse) and while "in-transit" (when sent over the internet).
  • Penetration testing is performed by the Illinois Department of Information Technology (DoIT). ISBE reviews the findings and applies security measures to mitigate security risks.
  • MyIRC and My Data Dashboard uses your district managed G-Suite or Office 365 credentials to sign-in.
  • Educators are responsible for safeguarding their G-Suite or Office 365 credentials.
  • The ISBE Legal Team has reviewed My Data Dashboard for FERPA compliance. Educators must have an academic need to see student data in My Data Dashboard.

 My Data Dashboard History & Resources

  • In early 2021, ISBE conducted a series of focus groups with a diverse group of stakeholders to evaluate the use of Ed360. These efforts, and ongoing consultation with the field, will help the new My Data Dashboard develop into a tool that is of maximum usefulness for administrators and teachers. Ed360 started in 2016 with the desire to create a tool that allowed users more real-time, user-friendly access to the data collected by the State. The history of Ed360 informs the future of My Data Dashboard.

  • Interim Assessments:
    • NWEA MAP & documents:PDF Document​ A district must complete and submit the NWEA MAP Permission to Release Data before MAP data flows into My Data Dashboard. The Post Opt In Instructions document outlines the current auto upload process to display MAP data in My Data Dashboard.
    • Renaissance Star Instructions:PDF Document After a District Administrator opts in to both My Data Dashboard and the Renaissance Star opt in service, these Post Opt In Instructions offer further guidance to ensure Star data flows into My Data Dashboard.​​

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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