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​The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act includes a process for school districts to award College and Career Pathway Endorsements to high school graduates. Students earn endorsements by completing an individualized learning plan, a career-focused instructional sequence, and professional learning opportunities.​​

CCPE Application Process

  1. ​Eligible school districts currently have access to the Career Pathway Endorsement Plan system within ISBE Web Application Security (IWAS).
  2. School districts electing to offer Endorsements must complete the individual plan via the IWAS application port no later than July 1, 2025.
  3. Once the ICP is approved, districts can begin building their plans. The plan must be submitted no later than December 15 of the school year the district intends to award the Endorsement.
  4. School districts electing to opt out of the Endorsement system must submit the following information to ISBE via the IWAS application portal no later than July 1, 2025: a) the reasoning for opting out that corresponds with the items listed in Section 10.20.84(d)(1) through (6) or 34-18.80(c)(1) of the school code and; b) copies of the board's meeting agenda, board findings and board meeting minutes.

College and Career Pathway Endorsement Process InfographicPDF Document

Career Pathway Crosswalk with Career Clusters

Endorsement Area
Related Career Clusters
(From National Career Cluster Framework)
AFNR (Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources)
  • Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
A&C (Arts and Communications)
  • Arts (Performing and Visual), Audio/Video Technology and Communications
FBS (Finance and Business Services)
  • Business Manangement and Administration
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Hospitatlity and Tourism
  • Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (Logistics Pathway)
HPS (Human and Public Services)
  • Education and Training
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
  • Human Services
HST (Health Sciences and Technology)
  • Health Sciences
IT (Information Technology)
  • Information Technology
METT (Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology, and Trades)
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • STEM (particularly Engineering and Technology Pathway)
  • Transporation, Distribution, and Logistics (Transpotation Technology)
  • Energy​​

Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness Act

The Framework

Each student completing an endorsement must have an individualized plan, which includes college planning linked to early understanding of career goals, financial aid, resume, and personal statement.

Awareness, exploration, and preparation activities that provide opportunities for students to interact with adults in their workplace.

Two years of secondary coursework, or equivalent competencies, that articulate to a postsecondary credential with labor market value.  Must include at least 6 hours of early college credit.

Ready for non-remedial coursework in reading and math by high school graduation through criteria defined by district and local community college.

College and Career Pathway Endorsement FrameworkPDF Document


​As specified in state statute (110 ILCS 148/80), to earn a College and Career Pathway Endorsement, a student shall satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. Develop and periodically update an individualized plan for postsecondary education or training, careers, and financial aid. This individualized plan shall also include student development of a resume and personal statement with student reflection on attainment of Adaptive Competencies. The Eligible School District shall certify to ISBE that its individualized planning process spans grades 9 through 12 and includes an annual process for updating the plan.

  2. Complete a career-focused instructional sequence, including at least 2 years of coursework or equivalent competencies within an Endorsement Area or, for students attaining a multidisciplinary endorsement, multiple Endorsement Areas. An Eligible School District must consult with its regional education for employment director on the establishment of the career-focused instructional sequence. For all areas other than for multidisciplinary endorsements, the Eligible School District and a Local Community College shall certify to ISBE and ICCB that the career-focused instructional sequence is articulated to a certificate or degree program with labor market value, with opportunities for ongoing student advancement. ISBE and ICCB may adopt requirements for certifying that the instructional sequence meets the requirements of this paragraph (2). This certification must be re-certified at least once every 5 years thereafter. Commencing in the 2022-2023 school year, students must earn at least 6 hours of credit through early college credit courses within the career-focused instructional sequence.

  3. Complete a minimum of 2 Career Exploration Activities or one Intensive Career Exploration Experience, a minimum of 2 Team-based Challenges, and at least 60 cumulative hours of participation in one or more Supervised Career Development Experiences.

  4. Demonstrate readiness for non-remedial coursework in reading and mathematics by high school graduation through criteria certified by the Eligible School District and a Local Community College to ISBE and ICCB. The criteria shall align to any local partnership agreement established pursuant to Section 55 of this Act and may allow the demonstration of readiness through various methods, including assessment scores, grade point average, course completions, or other locally adopted criteria.​​​

Rules Currently in Effect

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