The Illinois State Board of Education is required to notify school districts of the total English Learner (EL) funding each student generates due to the EBF law passed on August 31, 2017. This composite amount of funds includes any EL funds generated under the Base Funding Minimum and Tier Funding. It does not include funding generated by the core investment cost factors of the EBF formula, the money from which also benefits ELs. View the listing ofFY 2021 Student Allocation funding totals per district
. Districts were reminded that state funding attributable to ELs was to be spent on EL services per the requirements of Article 14C of the School Code.
Article 14C also requires that at least 60 percent of EL funds must be spent on instructional costs of ELs (Function 1000). For other information on EBF and its spending plan, please visit theEBF page on ISBE’s website.
The FY22 EL – EBF expenditure reporting shows where EBF funds attributable to ELs were ultimately spent within each district. The Illinois Advisory Council on Bilingual Education has recommended that only districts that received $5,000 or more
in total FY22 EL funds be required to submit an expenditure report through the period ending June 30, 2022. Any FY21 EL – EBF funds not expended in FY21 will appear in the FY22 expenditure report.
All FY22 EL – EBF expenditure reports are due to ISBE by July 20. Please contact the Multilingual Department at if you have questions regarding the FY21 EL-EBF expenditure report.
Expenditure Reporting Instructions
Districts may report their total FY22 EL – EBF expenditures by logging into the IWAS portal and selecting the “Electronic Expenditure Reporting System”. Choose “Start New Expenditure Report” and select “3305 Bilingual Ed – TPI & TBE program” from the drop-down list. Select “June 30, 2022” on the left side of the screen and click “Continue” to begin reporting. The “Current Year Allotment” will reflect the total amount of FY22 EL – EBF funding for the district (consisting of EBF Base Funding Minimum attributable to ELs and Tier Funding attributable to ELS) as well as funds not reported and not expended from FY21.