The Standards and Instruction Department is committed to supporting Illinois schools and educators by providing guidance, resources, and professional learning to support student achievement and equitable learning outcomes.
We are excited to announce the release of the Illinois Inclusive History Calendar 2024-2025, designed specifically for classroom teachers. This calendar highlights a diverse range of dates and events, offering an inclusive perspective to enrich your curriculum. It is a valuable tool for celebrating and incorporating various cultural and historical observances into your teaching throughout the school year.
According to Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS), Sec 24-2.c, school boards are required to include instruction related to commemorated persons, activities, or events on the commemorative holiday or at any other time during the school year. The State Board of Education will prepare and provide instructional materials for use by school boards in conjunction with this instruction.
105 ILCS 5/27-23 and 27-24.2 of the School Code requires each school district which maintains grades 9 through 12 to offer a driver education course which is defined as both classroom and behind-the-wheel. Both the classroom instruction part and the practice driving part of such driver education course shall be open to a resident or non-resident pupil attending a non-public school in the district wherein the course is offered and to each resident of the district who acquires or holds a currently valid driver's license during the term of the course and who is at least 15 but has not reached 21 years of age, without regard to whether any such person is enrolled in any other course offered in any school that the district operates.
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