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​The Multilingual / Language Development Department conducts monitoring of English Learner services to ensure districts are in compliance with state and federal law in serving English Learners. Forms and documents for districts can be found on this web page and past monitoring reports are available for the general public.​

Language Learning Standards

Students are expected to acquire both linguistic and academic skills. The standards below are to support language learning in the classroom.


English Learners in Illinois Statistica​l Reports​

English Learner Tool Kit

Published by the US Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition in 2015, the English Learner Tool Kit covers legal obligations and responsibilities for educating English learners (ELs).  The series of Professional Development Modules presented here are designed to accompany the English Learner Tool Kit and also present Illinois-specific guidance to help educators, administra​tors, and parents in understanding and meeting the legal obligations to ELs.  Teachers, administrators, parents, and others may also use them to lead presentations and to facilitate group discussions.  Individuals may also use the Modules as a self-paced learning opportunity.

The Professional Development Modules: English Learner Tool Kit consist of ten chapter topics and include facilitator notes to accompany each slide.  Each module is organized to repeat the initial introduction and overview of legal history in slides 1-8 so that each module can be used as a standalone activity.  After viewing the introductory slides, returning users may skip directly to slide 9 in a module to begin learning the specific content in the module.  The key outcomes for each chapter are identified on slide 10 of each module.  Reflective questions are embedded throughout each module to provide opportunities for deeper discussions.  Finally, each module concludes with a description of sample tools and a list of supplemental readings, as presented in the English Learner Tool Kit.​​

English Learner Tool Kit Professional Development Modules

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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