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The Illinois State Board of Education is committed to supporting rural school districts in Illinois by providing resources and guidance that meet their unique needs.

 The Rural Education Advisory Council

​Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/22-95 new​PDF Document​) creates a statewide advisory council to exchange thoughtful dialogue concerning the needs, challenges, and opportunities of rural schools districts and to provide policy recommendations to the state. The council shall perform all of the following functions: 

  1. Convey and impart the perspective of rural communities and provide context during policy discussions on various statewide issues with the state superintendent of education. 
  2. ​Present to the state superintendent of education the opportunity to speak directly with representatives of rural communities on various policy and legal issues, to present feedback on critical issues facing rural communities, to generate ideas, and to communicate information to the state superintendent. 
  3. Provide feedback about this state's prekindergarten through Grade 12 practices and policies so that the application of policies in rural areas may be more fully understood.​​ 
Please see the Rural Education Advisory Council webpage for more information.​​​

 Title V, Part B-Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)


Title V, Part B of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 is intended to address the unique needs of rural school districts that frequently lack the personnel and resources needed to compete effectively for federal competitive grants and receive formula grant allocations in amounts too small to be effective in meeting their intended purpose.

Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) funds can supplement but not supplant any other federal, state, or local education funds. REAP is composed of two formula grant programs:  

  1. Rural and Low-Income School (RLIS) Program [ESSA, Title V, Part B, Subpart 2]: The RLIS program targets rural Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that serve large numbers of low-income students.  
    • The U.S. Department of Education (ED) makes allocations to the Illinois State Board of Education, which in turn makes sub-grants to eligible LEAs.
  2. Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Program [ESSA, Title V, Part B, Subpart 1]: The SRSA program provides funds to very small, rural LEAs.  
    • ED awards these grants directly to eligible LEAs.   
    • SRSA-eligible LEAs also qualify for the Alternative Fund Use Authority [Section 522 (a) and (c)], which provide additional flexibility in how they can expend federal education funds. 
Additional information on program requirements, eligibility requirements, application processes, and use of funds can be found in the Rural Education Achievement Program FAQ​PDF Document.

​REAP Resources:

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